Military Time Chart helps you to easily convert the Military Time into Standard Time. It's also known as 24-Hour Clock.
Don't know how to read military time and convert it into the regular time? Use our military time chart to convert the 24-hour clock time into regular time.
It's a timekeeping system that operates on a 24-hour clock to indicate the time of day. It's also known as the "military clock". In this system, the hours of the day are numbered from 0000 to 2300, rather than from 1 to 12.
For example, in Military Time, 1:00 pm is represented as 1300 hours, 2:00 pm is represented as 1400 hours, and so on, up to 11:00 pm, which is represented as 2300 hours.
This method is commonly used in military, aviation, public transportation, healthcare, and emergency services where precise timing is important. Also, it helps to avoid confusion between morning and afternoon/evening hours and reduces the risk of errors in time calculations.
It's very simple to write the military time. The new day begins at midnight and we can write it as 0000. The last-minute of the day is written as 2359. That is one minute before the next midnight begins. Also, some people may write midnight as 0000 or 2400.
From 12:00 AM midnight to 12:00 PM noon, the military time is written the same as the regular time without a colon(:). That is 0000 to 1200.
But from 12:00 PM noon to 12:00 AM midnight, the 24-hour clock time is written differently.
For example,
To express time in seconds, a colon is inserted between the minutes and seconds:
0315:25 = 03 Hours, 15 Minutes, and 25 Seconds.
You can use the military time chart to do this type of conversion easily and quickly. But in case you are a math freak or wish to understand how to manually convert military time to regular time, follow the instructions below.
Let's take some examples to understand it.
Suppose, Military timing is: 1430. Convert it into regular time.
Firstly, let's separate hours and minutes.
So, Hours = 14 and Minutes = 30
Here we can see the time is larger than 1200. So, we will subtract the hours by 12.
14 - 12 = 2 Hours
So, Regular time = 2:30 PM.
Military timing: 1015. Find regular time.
After separation, hours = 10 and minutes = 15.
Here, the time is smaller than 1200. So, we will just put the colon(:) between hours and minutes.
Regular time = 10:15 AM.
Let's take some examples.
Regular time: 02:15 AM. Convert it into military time.
Here the time is in AM. So, we just remove the AM and colon.
So, Military time = 0215.
Regular time: 03:30 PM.
Here the time is in PM. Therefore, we will add the hours by 12.
So, 03 + 12 = 15 Hours.
No change in minutes and place it as it is.
So, Military time = 1530.
Yes, military timing is popularly referred to as the 24-hour clock time.
No, you can't use it offline. You need a device with an active internet connection to use it.
Regular time is the usual 12-hour clock time in which the time is divided into two twelve hours blocks. The first block starts at 12:00 AM and runs till 12:00 PM, and the second block starts at 12:00 PM and ends at 12:00 AM. With regular time, you must always mention AM or PM. So, one does not get confused as to whether you are referring to the first half or second half of the day.
Yes, you can write it as 2400 or 0000.
Suppose your friend says "Let's catch up at 8:30". Now, this is regular time and the absence of AM or PM creates a lot of confusion for you as to whether your friend meant morning or evening. But if he says "Let's catch up at 20:30", it is easily understood that it's evening.
4:00 PM = 1600